Class 10 Mathematics Notes

Notes for class 10 Mathematics, Chapter 1: Real Numbers

We provide you here with notes for Class 10 mathematics Chapter 1 Real Numbers, these notes for Class 10 Mathematics Real number provide you explanations of Euclid’s Division Lemma, The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic among other topics. They also contain solved examples for each type of mathematical problem present in Chapter 1 Real Numbers. These […]

Class 10 Notes Science

Notes for class 10 Science, Chapter 12: Electricity

CURRENT Current is the rate of flow of an electric charge. If ‘q’ is the charge (in coulomb) and ‘t’ is the time (in seconds) then, Current (I) = q/t S.I unit of current = Ampere (A) Current is a scalar quantity. CIRCUIT It is the arrangement that shows how different component in a circuit […]

Class 10 Notes Science

Notes for class 10 Science, Chapter 11: The Human Eye and the Colourful World

HUMAN EYE The front part of the eye is covered by a transparent spherical membrane. called cornea Light enters the eye through cornea and the space behind the cornea is filled with a liquid called aqueous humour. Just behind the cornea there is a dark coloured muscular diaphragm called iris which has a small circular […]

Class 10 Notes Science

Notes for class 10 Science, Chapter 10: Light – Reflection and Refraction

Light is a form of energy and it can be transferred into other forms of energy. Light does not require any material medium for its propagation. The velocity of light is 3 × 108 m/s. REFLECTION OF LIGHT In the reflection of light, a highly polished surface like mirror, reflects most of the light falling […]

Class 10 Notes Science

Notes for class 10 Science, Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution

HEREDITY AND EVOLUTION Some time a question must have come in your mind that why I am similar to my father and my brother/sister and similar to my mother. But if a field of wheat crop all plants look similar, very less variation can be seen in plants of a crop field. Variation are generally […]

Class 10 Notes Science

Notes for class 10 Science, Chapter 8: How do Organisms Reproduce?

HOW DO ORGANISMS REPRODUCE Reproduction is biological process in which an organism produces young one of the same kind. Reproduction is not necessary to maintain the life of an organism like other life processes. Reproduction requires lot of energy to be spent then why does organism reproduce? Different organisms have different life span. After certain […]

Class 10 Notes Science

Notes for class 10 Science, Chapter 7: Control and Coordination

In plants and animals we see different kind of movement such as a plant move towards sunlight, root grows only towards gravity. In animals, we see cat is running may be in search of mice or for fighting, buffaloes chew cud to break to tough food, you whisper when you have to talk to your […]

Class 10 Notes Science

Notes for class 10 Science, Chapter 6: Life Processes

The  processes that occur to maintain life in a living being are called life processes. This includes nutrition, movement, growth, oxidation of food, breathing, excretion, control and coordination and finally reproduction. Multicellular organisms have specialized organs to perform all these different functions, they have well organized structures such as tissues, organs and organ systems. These […]

Class 10 Notes Science

Notes for class 10 Science, Chapter 5: Periodic Classification of Elements

PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS EARLY ATTEMPTS AT THE CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS Scientists made several attempts to classify elements according to their properties and obtain an orderly arrangement. The earliest attempt to classify the elements resulted in grouping of elements as metals and non-metals.  Dobereiner’s Triads  This classification is based on the atomic mass. According to […]

Class 10 Notes Science

Notes for class 10 Science, Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds

BONDING IN CARBON: COVALENT BOND → The atomic number of carbon is 6. It’s electronic configuration is 2, 4. It requires 4e– to achieve the inert gas electronic configuration. But carbon cannot form an ionic bond because it could gain 4e– forming C-4 anion. But it would be difficult for the nucleus with six protons […]